The Co-Chairs of the Intersessional Process considering the Strategic Approach and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 (IP) have released a single consolidated document, which was developed during the first part of IP’s fourth meeting (IP4), in Bucharest, Romania. The Co-Chairs present a compilation of recommendations regarding the Strategic Approach and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020, for consideration by the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) to be held in Bonn, Germany, in September 2023.

The document (SAICM/IP.4/10) is included as an annex to the IP4 report and will be considered at the resumed session of IP4 in Nairobi, Kenya, from 27 February to 3 March 2023. As the document is still under negotiation, it remains heavily bracketed.

The consolidated document addresses: scope; principles and approaches; vision, strategic objectives and targets; institutional arrangements; mechanisms to support implementation; and financial considerations.

The section on scope stresses: that the involvement of all relevant sectors and stakeholders across the life cycle at the local, national, regional, and global levels is critical to the sound management of chemicals and waste; and the need to consider instruments and processes developed to date, ensuring enough flexibility to take account of new ones without duplicating efforts.

The section on principles and approaches includes subsections on collaboration, knowledge and information, participation, and gender. A proposed subsection on operating principles remains in brackets.

The section on vision, objectives, and targets for the sound management of chemicals and waste includes a heavily bracketed subsection on the Strategic Objectives and targets. The five Objectives address:

  • capacity, legal framework, and institutional mechanisms (eight proposed targets);
  • comprehensive and sufficient knowledge, data, and information generated, available, and accessible to all, to enable informed decisions and actions (six proposed targets);
  • identifying, prioritizing, and addressing issues of concern (one proposed target);
  • safer alternatives and innovative and sustainable solutions in product value chains (eight proposed targets); and
  • integration of the sound management of chemicals and waste in relevant decision-making processes (six proposed targets). 

The section on institutional arrangements refers to: the International Conference [on Chemicals Management]; the Bureau of the International Conference; and the Secretariat, including details on its functions to be performed under the guidance of the International Conference.

The document includes two alternatives for the title of an additional section on either: Issues of [International][Global] Concern; or Priority Issues for International Action. This section includes subsections on: the definition of issues of concern; submission of information; nomination, selection, and adoption process; and mechanisms for implementation, including workplans, tracking progress, and determining the need for further work on an issue.

The section on mechanisms to support implementation includes subsections on: national implementation; [international,] regional, and sectoral cooperation and coordination; enhanced sectoral and stakeholder engagement; mechanisms to support capacity building; taking stock of progress; and the mechanism for updating and revising the framework.

The section on financial considerations currently addresses: an integrated approach to financing, including mainstreaming, private sector involvement, and dedicated external financing; establishment of and engagement in multisectoral partnerships; and financing the Secretariat. [Publication: IP Co-Chairs Single Consolidated Document: Note by the Secretariat]
