Executive Director, GAPROFFA

Our work or research contribute to a healthier environment through:

  1. Awareness raising of stakeholders including women and youth on the negative effect of the using of pesticides on their health and environment,
  2. Capacity building through traing of trainers on the bet best practices and techniques to protect the environment,
  3. Training of the farmers on the alternatives to the chemical products and their waste,
  4. Advocacy to policy makers and authorities to accelerate the voting the laws or decret or arrete on the chemical products and waste in Benin,
  5. Social media through press release, radio, TV ans mobile phone to disseminate the information to sensitize the farmers and stakeholders in urbain and rural communities,
  6. Data collection (baseline study)  on the perception and knowledge of population on the hazadous of chemicals products on the health and environment. This collected data are sent to HUB francophone, IPEN and SAICM.