Global campaigner on lead paint elimination campaign / Technical consultant / Chemist, IPEN

I work with IPEN partner organisations (POs) in many countries with the aim of eliminating lead in paint--from undertaking national paint studies to the multi-stakeholder approach on getting legally-binding regulations in place. With the help of IPEN POs, we reach out to governments to let them know about the problem of lead in paint, inform them about the global initiatives to eliminate lead in paint through the Lead Paint Alliance, and encourage them to establish laws and regulations to control the manufacture, sale, and use of lead paint. We also reach out to paint industry associations and individual paint manufacturers, especially SMEs, and encourage them to reformulate to non-lead paint production. I also work with people involved in the supply chain--manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of alternative raw materials for lead used in paint manufacture. I also coordinate the Lead Safe Paint Certification Program--an independent, voluntary, third-party certification program developed by IPEN that tests and confirms that the lead content in a sampled paint product does not exceed 90 parts per million (ppm). Paint products that meet the 90 ppm lead limit would be labelled as "Lead Safe Paint" after companies sign a license agreement to place a certification mark on their products. As of 2020, five paint manufacturers in the Philippines (Boysen, Davies, Sycwin), Sri Lanka (Multilac) and Bangladesh (Elite) are certified as "Lead Safe Paint" under the program.


Member of the Communities of Practice
