Knowledge-based outputs, tools and processes:

This Knowledge Management Strategy outlines an approach to create, identify, document, strengthen, and disseminate knowledge-intensive activities to 2020 and beyond.
Identification of major target groups, their needs, motivations and behaviour
Access the document Personas and the Stakeholders section of the project page
Identification and creation of high-quality documents that link the chemicals agenda with SDGs, specifically targeting SDG 2,3,6,11,12; and considering gender priorities in chemicals management.
Identification of existing websites, knowledge management platforms, communities of practice, and other tools aligned with the Project’s objectives.
Access the websites and e-learning library -
Database of multimedia resources classified by type and EPIs.
Access the platform library -
Database of EPI experts (and networks of experts) classified by expertise.
Access the people section -
Database on EPI tracking and SAICM implementation progress at national, regional and global levels.
Adoption of an open licensing policy for the outputs produced by SAICM and enable collaborative and sharing practices
Identify existing ontologies that relate concepts of chemicals and products to either adopt/adapt an ontology or develop an ontology
Data visualization tools (maps, charts).
Access the dedicated section of the library -
Communities of practice (identification of active communities and/or development of new ones).
Read more about the project's Communities of Practice -
Survey tools to gather feedback on the knowledge strategy design and progress, aiming to identify gaps and opportunities to strengthen knowledge flows.
Collaborative calendar with user-input events (including SAICM meetings).
Access the events calendar -
Consider innovative approaches to knowledge management such as big data, artificial intelligence, gamification, virtual reality and internet of things.
Communications strategy, including social media, aligned with UN Environment communication guidelines.
Processes to promote media cross-posting and media uptake amongst partners, with great focus on social media.
Processes to engage and encourage partners to provide knowledge deliverables such as thematic papers, elements for side events, opportunities to present in science and policy-related events (side events at SAICM OEWG3 and ICCM5).
Processes for identifying, attending and presenting at relevant meetings and forums linking SDGs, chemicals and health.
Processes to promote EPIs by facilitating networking, knowledge exchange and partnership among stakeholders through the component deliverables.
Processes to encourage project partners to give technical input to write stories on key EPIs, new reports, upcoming meetings, assessment of progress, and/or new decisions and recommendations related to chemicals management (in collaboration with IISD).
Processes evaluating, selecting and scaling-up best practices for countries, SAICM stakeholders and a wider audience working on sound management of chemicals.
Processes to analyze user interaction in SAICM and partners platforms, track access/download of resources, and map social media activity within stakeholders’ channels to identify and engage in trends.