The Board meets once a year to review progress under the programme on the basis of reports from the Trust Fund Implementation Committee and programme participants, as well as other relevant information provided to them on implementation of the programme.
The Board also provides operational guidance on the implementation of the strategic priorities of the programme and advises on other relevant matters as required. The Board reports to the ICCM at its sessions on the implementation of the QSP.
During each meeting of the Board, a committee comprising the regional representatives and trust fund donors meets to consider the operation of the trust fund. That committee reviews reports from the Trust Fund Implementation Committee on project execution and from UN Environment on the financial resources and administration of the trust fund. It provides guidance and takes decisions thereon.
QSP Executive Board meetings Reports
Report of the 12th meeting - Teleconference, 18 December 2019
Report of the 11th meeting - Teleconference, 14 December 2017
Report of the 10th meeting - Teleconference, 20 August 2015
Report of the 9th meeting - Geneva, 8 May 2014
Report of the 8th meeting - Geneva, 7-8 March 2013
Report of the 7th meeting - Geneva, 7-8 May 2012
Report of the 6th meeting - Geneva, 13-14 September 2011
Report of the 5th meeting - Geneva, 29-30 June 2010
Report of the 4th meeting - Geneva, 23-24 April 2009
Report of the 3rd meeting - Geneva, 6-7 May 2008