by IISD's SDG Knowledge Hub,

Five EU Member States are collaborating on a website to inform stakeholders about the status of substances identified as endocrine disruptors or under evaluation for endocrine disrupting properties within the EU. National Authorities in Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Sweden are compiling information to improve knowledge about endocrine disruptors and increase transparency, coherence, consistency, and coordination across legislative areas.

The website details information in two lists, based on EU regulations for REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals), the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR), Plant Protection Products Regulation (PPPR), and cosmetic products. A third hazard-based list (List III) details substances proposed by an individual National Authority with possible endocrine disrupting properties.

More specifically, List I includes substances that have undergone an evaluation of endocrine disrupting properties and which are identified as endocrine disruptors at the EU level. List II contains substances currently under evaluation in an EU legislative process due to concerns for possible endocrine disrupting properties, or as part of the mandatory process for approval or renewal.
List III contains substances, proposed by an individual National Authority and considered endocrine disruptors at the national level in one of the participating countries. These substances are not necessarily supported by other Member States or considered endocrine disruptors at the EU level. The European Commission (EC) or Member States may decide at a later stage to further evaluate these substances.
If a substance is deleted or its status changes following an EU-investigation, Lists I and II will be updated during the next periodic update of the website. If scientific information on endocrine disrupting properties of a List III substance changes, the substance’s status will be updated by the National Authority that initially included the substance. A record of substances no longer on a list will remain accessible from the website. The lists are updated at least biannually.

More than 40 pieces of legislation are involved in regulating chemicals in the EU. For example, the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) is responsible for REACH, which regulates industrial chemicals produced in or imported into the EU.

The European Food Safety Authority is responsible for pesticide regulation, which regulates active substances used in plant protection products to protect crops against pests or weeds, primarily in agriculture.

ECHA is also responsible for regulating biocidal products, which are used to protect humans, animals and manufactured materials against harmful organisms (pests, bacteria, algae, viruses) via the active substance contained in the product.
