People listed below indicated that their work or research on chemicals and waste contributes to a healthier and safer environment.
The purpose of this section is to share details of people that are interested and working on chemicals. It is not aimed to list or define "experts", but people from public and private entities who want to be part of the conversation.
Please note that being listed as "people working for a healthier environment" on this website in no way implies endorsement by UNEP/SAICM.
12 people found
Jovita Tamosaityte
Knowledge Management Officer
Colin Lang
Program Officer
Amal Saad-Hussein
Research Professor
Topics of expertise:
Pharmaceutical pollutants
Perfluorinated Chemicals
Lead in paint
Highly Hazardous Pesticides
Hazardous chemicals in electronics
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals
Sustainable Development Goals
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Chemicals in toys
Chemicals in textiles
Anastasiya Buchok
Senior Project Assistant
Topics of expertise:
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Markos Ieridis
Chemicals Specialist at UNEP
Leonard Tampushi
Senior Principal Environment Officer/Technical Advisor at National environment management authority
Ndeye Fatou NDIAYE
Chemical Waste Manager at Carbone Guinee
Sara Brosche
Science Advisor at IPEN