5 resources found

Manuals and toolkits

Lead Paint Reformulation Technical Guidelines

The Lead Paint Reformulation Technical Guidelines have developed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and guided by the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint. The document provide a comprehensive starting point for all stakeholders to learn more about paint reformulation and best practices. They offer general information on processes and provide a step-by-step approach to reformulation, indicating where to find relevant information such as alternative raw materials and additional details such as standards for testing and in-depth case studies.The

Emerging Policy Issues: Lead in paint
Topics: Policymaking
Community of practice summary of discussions

Transitioning to paints without added lead: guidance and experience in reformulation

The Secretariat of the Strategic Approach to Chemicals Management (SAICM) and the University of Cape Town (UCT) have established a Community of Practice (CoP) on Lead in Paint to bring representatives from different sectors together and to create a learning network around issues related to the elimination of Lead Paint. This is a summary of the discussion on Transitioning to paints without added lead: guidance and experience in reformulation, which took place on 25 May 2022.Presenters: Dr Branko Dunjic (NCPC
Emerging Policy Issues: Lead in paint
Manuals and toolkits

Reformulation is Entirely Possible: Summary of the Lead Paint Reformulation Technical Guidelines and How to Use this Information

This document summarizes information from the Lead Paint Reformulation Technical Guidelines, the findings and recommendations of the reformulation pilot demonstrations, and two case studies of paint manufacturers which have reformulated paint products. This summary is also intended to highlight how the information from the Guidelines can be used by different stakeholders involved in the phasing out of lead paint.The full set of technical guidelines can be accessed here.The guidelines were made possible under a global project funded by the Global

Emerging Policy Issues: Lead in paint
Topics: Policymaking
Community of practice summary of discussions

Reformulation is entirely possible

The Secretariat of the Strategic Approach to Chemicals Management (SAICM) and the University of Cape Town (UCT) have established a Community of Practice (CoP) on Lead in Paint to bring representatives from different sectors together and to create a learning network around issues related to the elimination of Lead Paint. This is a summary of the discussion on Reformulation is entirely possible, which took place on 9 June 2021.Presenters: Dr Branko Dunjic (NCPC Serbia), Vojislavka Satric (NCPC Serbia), Jeiel Guarino
Emerging Policy Issues: Lead in paint